As we’ve seen,
having strong credentials is of little value if all they say is that the person
who claims to be John Reborn is actually John Reborn. What if John Reborn has
usurped that identity to start with? So we need to know how the credentials
have been set up; we say provisioned in the trade. For credentials,
there are several levels of trust. The first level is when the person
establishes a credential, like in “My name is Suzy Doe.” Obviously, this has
little credibility, even if today it’s the most used means of provisioning. One
level up is “My name is Suzy Doe, and here is my credit card number.” What
happens in this case is that the recipient computer can call the institution
that has provided the credit card, and check that the bank indeed has issued a
credit card of that number to that person. What this says, however, is only
that somebody called Suzy Doe has had a credit card, not that the real Suzy Doe
is talking. But if we consider that for assuming the name Suzy Doe the person
had to also steal her credit card, then we know that the trust is higher in
this case than when Suzy just spelled out her name. Now something else may have
happen; namely, Suzy may have gone to the bank with a fake identity and got a
credit card for her that way. In that case, the initial fraud was in the
authentication at the bank. For that reason, there is yet another level of
identity proof, which is based on the institution doing the provisioning. What
the recipient computers do is inquiring directly with the computers of the
company or agency that has identified the person to start with. But now we are
entering a field of elaborate mathematics. The way this is done is that a well
known institution publishes a number, called a public key, very widely,
worldwide. That number is found everywhere, and cannot be mistaken. Everybody
knows that this is the number corresponding to that institution. Now, using
cryptographic techniques, it is possible for a computer to query the institution
about the identity of a person. What the computer does is encrypt the query
using the public key, in such a way that only the institution can understand
the message, using what’s called their private key, a number that only
they know, and which matches the public key. The institution can send back the
information about the identity of a person in such a way that the recipient
computer is sure that the message comes from the institution. For those
interested in the technique, it is the reverse of what we just saw: the
institution used its private key to encrypt the message, and the only way to
decrypt it is with the public key. Since only the institution knows how to
encrypt a message that way, the recipient knows that it comes from there. Now,
you’re going to say, how can we know that the institution has properly
identified the person? That’s a valid question, and that’s the crux of the
matter. In fact, when the institution answers, it also includes information on
how the identity was established. Was it based on simply receiving information
from the person, or by seeing documents from the person, or by doing interviews
with neighbors and such, or by doing an in-depth research such as those
associated with military clearance? As we see, there is never a totally full
proof way of identifying somebody, but we can reach high levels of trust, and
that can be done via computer.
Once somebody is
authenticated by a computer, it’s time to talk about authorization. What can
that person do? In fact, there are many factors involved. The first is to know
the role of the subject. To give the idea, we can consider the role of
persons in a hospital. Obviously, doctor, nurses and administrators have
different responsibilities associated with their role. Doctors can prescribe
medication that nurses can administer. Most probably, neither doctors nor
nurses can sign hospital expense bills, which is what administrators do. So we
see that the role of the persons defines what they can do, and therefore it is
an important generic element for specifying their authorization limits. Of
course, in small hospital, some persons may have combined roles. Depending on
the role in which they act, they’ll have different authorization levels.
Another element to determine right on is whether the authorization is static
or dynamic, which means whether the authorization details are always the
same for that person, or whether they may change from one transaction to the
next. For example, the nurse may be allowed to administer medication in general
(that’s a static right), but for some medication, must ask a doctor in each
case (that’s a